Family fun activities to bring some swimming to your staycation

With holiday plans on hold and staycations being the way forward, we’ve created some fun and games to entertain the whole family.

These games add a swimming spin to some classic games and can help you get active with a family-friendly workout!

What Am I?

This game is played in teams and the aim is to guess what is written on the card your teammate picks up.

Split into teams of two people+, if you are a group of two or three, this game can be played individually with all players allowed to guess. Teams take it in turn and players rotate so everyone has a go.

To play, the first player rolls the dice to see which category they must complete on the card.


  1. Stroke
  2. Skill
  3. Games
  4. Animal
  5. Equipment
  6. Water Safety

The player must then act/describe/give clues without saying the word on the card until their teammate guesses correctly or until one minute is up. If the team guesses correctly they win the card. The winning team is that with the most cards at the end of the game.

Equipment needed

Download the cards, timer, dice (you can use Google Random Number Generator)

World Oceans Game

This game is played in teams and the aim is to guess what is written on the card your teammate picks up.

You can split into teams of two or play individually.

Print and cut out the word cards, shuffling them into a pile.

The first player turns over a card making sure no one sees. They must act/describe/give clues without saying the word on the card.

Those in your team can make guesses, or if playing individually, all players can guess. The person that guesses the word wins the card.

The winner is the person or team with the most cards at the end of the game.

Equipment needed

Download World Ocean word cards.

Swimming Charades

This is a classic game guessing game where you act out the word on your card.

Split into teams of two people+, if you are a group of two or three, this game can be played individually with all players allowed to guess. Teams take it in turn and players rotate so everyone has a go.

The player must act out clues without saying the word on the card until their team guesses correctly or until the 1-minute timer is up. If the team guesses correctly within the minute they win the card. The winning team is that with the most cards at the end of the game.

Equipment needed

Download charade cards, timer

I Went Swimming Game

This game needs a good memory and quick thinking!

The first person starts with ‘I went swimming and took….’ Then must fill the gap with something they took e.g. a swim cap. The next person must repeat ‘I went swimming and took a swim cap and a………’ e.g. inflatable crocodile. Next person must repeat both before adding their own and so on. Keep going around the circle, if someone forgets the sequence or says the same item as someone else they are out.

IM Relay challenge

Split into teams or work as a group to beat your own time.

The first runner must run to the next person or to a defined point and back, whilst doing the relevant swimming arm action in IM order:

  1. Backstroke
  2. Breaststroke
  3. Butterfly
  4. Freestyle

The first team to finish wins. Repeat the game mixing up the order of teams so they can have a go at all strokes.

Equipment needed

Marker for start and finish points and timer if playing as one group

Fitness Circuit

It’s easy to create your own circuit session and workout as a family.

Create a list of exercises you can do, e.g.: hopping, high knees, swimmers backstroke arms, swimmers front crawl arms, butterfly arms, breaststroke arms, leg kicks in the air (lie on your back) running on the spot, jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, pencil jumps.

To set up the circuit:

  1. Write down on a piece of paper each exercise you’ve decided to add into the circuit.
  2. Set up as many stations as you like either inside or outside if possible, putting the pieces of paper on floor and spacing accordingly. Try not to put exercises that use the same muscles next to each other.
  3. Decide on how long you and/or your child will spend on each station – 30 seconds? 1 minute? 2 minutes? you can have different times for different participants and adjust the recovery so you all change station together.
  4. 3,2,1 GO……..spend your allocated time on your station and when the buzzer goes move clockwise onto the next station.
  5. Once you have completed every station, take a well-earned REST.
  6. Repeat moving anticlockwise around the circuit.

Can you make it harder next time?