Swimming inspired activities for the summer holidays

Filling the summer holidays with fun and fascinating activities for your kids is always challenging – So you can use their love of swimming to entertain them, we have created some activities for you.


What Am I?

This game is played in teams and the aim is to guess what is written on the card your teammate picks up.

Split into teams of two people+, if you are a group of two or three, this game can be played individually with all players allowed to guess. Teams take it in turn and players rotate so everyone has a go.

To play, the first player rolls the dice to see which category they must complete on the card.


  1. Stroke
  2. Skill
  3. Games
  4. Animal
  5. Equipment
  6. Water Safety

The player must then act/describe/give clues without saying the word on the card until their teammate guesses correctly or until one minute is up. If the team guesses correctly they win the card. The winning team is that with the most cards at the end of the game.

Equipment needed

Download the cards, timer, and dice (you can use Google Random Number Generator)

World Oceans Game

This game is played in teams and the aim is to guess what is written on the card your teammate picks up.

You can split into teams of two or play individually.

Print and cut out the word cards, shuffling them into a pile.

The first player turns over a card making sure no one sees. They must act/describe/give clues without saying the word on the card.

Those in your team can make guesses, or if playing individually, all players can guess. The person that guesses the word wins the card.

The winner is the person or team with the most cards at the end of the game.

Equipment needed

Download World Ocean word cards.

Swimming Charades

This is a classic game guessing game where you act out the word on your card.

Split into teams of two people+, if you are a group of two or three, this game can be played individually with all players allowed to guess. Teams take it in turn and players rotate so everyone has a go.

The player must act out clues without saying the word on the card until their team guesses correctly or until the 1-minute timer is up. If the team guesses correctly within the minute they win the card. The winning team is that with the most cards at the end of the game.

Equipment needed

Download charade cards, timer

I Went Swimming Game

This game needs a good memory and quick thinking!

The first person starts with ‘I went swimming and took….’ Then they must fill the gap with something they took e.g. a swim cap. The next person must repeat ‘I went swimming and took a swim cap and a………’ e.g. inflatable crocodile. The next person must repeat both before adding their own and so on. Keep going around the circle, if someone forgets the sequence or says the same item as someone else they are out.

Literacy Activities

Write a water safety story

If you need any ideas, use a scenario from the Swim England water safety worksheets below and expand the story.

Equipment needed:

Write a swimming inspired poem

This could be about your swimming lessons, swimming with school, or swimming with your family on holiday.

Equipment needed:

  • Pencil/pen
  • Paper

Numeracy Activities

Science Activities

Sink or float experiment

  1. Select different items which are suitable to put in water.
  2. Put them into two piles, 1 labelled ‘Floating’ and the other ‘ Sinking’
  3. One item at a time drop into the water and see if you were right or wrong?
  4. Discuss why you think it floated or sunk.

Equipment needed:

  • Range of items for putting in the water
  • Bowl or sink half full of water

Fight the germs experiment

  1. Put some water in a bowl
  2. Sprinkle pepper in the water to represent the germs
  3. Place your finger into the water and see if any germs stick to your finger
  4. Put a blob of soap onto your finger and place into the water. What happened to the germs? Did you get any germs on your finger?

Equipment needed:

  • Bowl
  • Pepper
  • Soap

Creative Activities

  • Design a swimming hat design – download templates
  • Design a swimsuit/shorts – download templates
  • Draw your dream swimming pool
  • Build your dream swimming pool design – Using the drawing of your dream swimming pool, build the same design using LEGO, recycling, or similar
  • Build a 3D model of a new waterslide – Using empty home items (e.g. empty toilet rolls), colouring pens
  • Build your own paper boat using this guide – Put them in the bath and see if you can blow or push them along. Is your boat strong enough to carry a toy character?
  • Olympic Rings – Make your own version of the Olympic Rings using different colours and materials. You could cut coloured paper into strips and loop them together.
  • Country Flag – Design your own flag to display at the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games!

You can also find lots of activity sheets from Swim England here.