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Scarlett Mew Jensen vows to learn from 'positive experience' of her first Olympics

Scarlett Mew Jensen vowed to learn from her ‘positive’ first experience of an Olympic Games.

Mew Jensen finished 22nd in the Women’s 3m Springboard preliminary round, missing out on a place in the semi-final.

She completed her routines on a high, scoring 58.50 points for her forward two-and-a-half somersaults, one twist in pike to finish with a total of 243.25 points.

The 19-year-old admitted nerves had slightly got the better of her but said she would learn from it.

Dive London’s Mew Jensen said: “I mean going into it, I was pretty confident. I think as soon as I stepped on the board, I definitely felt the nerves. 

“Those first two dives, they’re my banker dives and I was just missing them because I had so much adrenaline and I was so pumped to go so that knocked me a little bit.

“Going into my third dive, it’s something I’ve struggled with for a very long time but I’ve been able to nail it recently so I was just thrown off a little bit. 

It’s been incredible

“Everything was just near misses but I’m really happy with what I’m giving – I’ve got loads more in me.

“Full-out is one of my strongest dives and to finish on that as well, especially as it ends my season there, I’m happy to finish on a bit of a high.

“My team-mates have told me to write it all down and get it all out and learn from it and take it into when I come back from my break. 

“It’s been incredible, bit of an experience there but now I’ve got an entire Olympics under my belt at 19 so yeah, really positive.”

“I thank everyone for supporting me, my family, my mum, my dad, especially my brother. 

“I would not have been able to do any of this without them. I’ve got so much support in the pool and out of the pool so I’m so grateful for it.”

Grace Reid finished in 19th place with a score of 268.15 and is first reserve for tomorrow’s semi-final.
