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Search is on to find new venue for Commonwealth Championships

The search is on to find a venue to host the 2018 Commonwealth Water Polo Championships.

After Malta said it could not stage the event, managers from England Water Polo took it upon themselves to find an alternative venue.

They discussed the logistics and costs of staging the competition with partners in Manchester – but it has not been possible to arrange in time.

Ian Elliot, chairperson of the Swim England Water Polo Management Group, said the busy schedule of the Manchester Aquatics Centre plus work to refurbish other pools in the city meant it was impossible to fit the Commonwealth Water Polo Championships in.

Key sport in city

The event was due to take place between 23-30 September. England won both the men and women’s title when the competition was last staged at the Aberdeen Aquatics Centre in 2014.

Yawar Abbas, strategic lead for sport at Manchester City Council, said: “Although we were very keen find a solution and worked incredibly hard to identify budgets and appropriate time in the Aquatic Centre, on this occasion we have been unable to put together a viable event option.

“We do continue to support water polo as a key sport in the city, both at grassroots level and in the development of an international events strategy.”

Ian added: “Over the last few days, both parties have worked incredibly hard to try to make this work. However on this occasion it has not proved possible.

“We recognise the disappointment which will be felt by athletes and supporters, and we will continue to work with partners to see if an option can be developed to host a championship elsewhere across the Commonwealth.”
