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Water Polo funding commitment

Swim England is fully committed to Water Polo. Given recent statements that have been released, we wanted to clarify the situation with regard to the talent programme and confirm that no Water Polo programmes have been cancelled.

Swim England continues to invest in the Water Polo talent programme which has delivered significant results for the sport. This includes the GB U19 Men’s team qualifying for the finals of the European Championships (2018) for the first time in ten years, and the GB U19 Women’s team finishing a highly creditable sixth in 2017. We recognise the support of the volunteers, officials, coaches and players and our City partner, Manchester, along with our funder, Sport England, in enabling this to happen.

For the financial years 2017-18 and 2018-19, Swim England has had access to £50,000 pa of Sport England talent funding for the Water Polo talent programme. However, this will cease on 31 March 2019.  The Swim England Water Polo Management Group has been aware of this situation from the time funding for this quadrennial was announced and have been working with Swim England officers to find a solution. To that end, the Swim England Board has agreed to cover the amount of funding currently provided by Sport England for the coming financial year. Swim England will consider future funding as part of the long-term financial planning programme currently under review. Due to the change in the Swim England accounting period, the amount committed is for April 2019-December 2019 (the new year-end). The amount is therefore £37,500 (i.e. three-quarters of a full year total of £50,000).

In addition to the above, over the past two years, Swim England paid an amount of partnership funding to secure training facilities in Manchester, and we appreciate the support of Manchester City Council in this area. We are currently planning our budgets for all of our sports from April 2019 onwards and as part of this planning, are identifying the finances we are able to invest into this partnership to ensure that it continues to flourish.

Swim England works hard to promote Water Polo to funders and stakeholders whilst investing in developing the sport. This includes:

  • 2 x full-time members of staff plus administration support for the talent programmes
  • Staging the National Age-Group Championships
  • Investing in 33 Start Water Polo Programmes (2018-19)
  • Working with BUCS to develop the student game
  • Inclusion in the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence / Diploma in Sporting Excellence scheme for talented athletes

Swim England also provides wider benefits and services to the Water Polo community including:

  • Insurance
  • Safeguarding
  • Coach, Officials and Teacher education and training (Institute of Swimming)
  • Office of Judicial Administration
  • Marketing and Communications

In addition to the above, the Swim England Regions also invest into Water Polo activities.

Swim England is committed to investing in Water Polo and working with stakeholders and the community to develop the sport.
