Swim England

A nation swimming

Swim England Delivery Partners

Swim England Delivery Partners help us promote swimming, share insight and deliver great experiences in the pool.

They range across the physical activity and sport sectors. Below are just a few of the partners we work with closely.

Delivery Partners

Click or tap on the logos below to visit our partners’ websites to learn more about them.

Chief Cultural and Leisure Officers LogoAssociation for Physical Education logoCSP Logo
EFDS LogoEIS logoMWSF Logo
Sporting Equals LogoSports Coach UK logoSRA Logo
Stonewall LogoTotal SwimmingWater Babies Logo
Women's Sport Foundation LogoYouth Sport TrustSwimathon Foundation

Pool operators

Across England national and local operators deliver swimming in over 5,000 pools. This includes local authorities, leisure Trusts, private companies and not-for-profit organisations.
